Paper and/or abstract evaluation and acceptance process

Papers submitted to the Contributed Sessions will be reviewed by the conference Scientific Committee. The paper review process will be carried out online via the Conference web page. At least two reviewers will evaluate each contribution.

From all received full papers, the Scientific Committee will select the most relevant ones. The authors will be invited to send an extended version that will be published in specialized journals after the corresponding peer-review process.

The Conference Proceedings will consist of a hard-printed book of abstracts and an e-book including only full papers (in electronic format).

Deadline for submission of a one page abstract

April 30th, 2019

Extended May 15th, 2019

Deadline for submission of the full paper (not mandatory) and early payment (mandatory for presenting authors)

June 30th, 2019

Extended July 31st, 2019


Authors should use abstract submission template available at this LINK.

Authors should send paper abstracts to the following e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Authors should provide following data with abstract submissions:

Name, surname, affiliation and e-mail for all authors of the paper. Also for each paper authors should provide paper title, paper topic (from the list of conference main topics) and paper abstract in .doc or .docx (MS Word) format.

Authors should use full paper submission template available at this LINK.

Authors with accepted paper abstracts can submit full paper to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. e-mail by July 31st, 2019. Authors can also choose to submit full paper upon arrival at the ICCB 2019 conference.

ICCB 2019 conference proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag in the series "Learning and Analytics in Intelligent Systems" under the title “Computational Bioengineering and Bioinformatics".


Monday, February 17, 2025



BioIRC R&D Center Kragujevac 


Faculty of Engineering University of Kragujevac

Kragujevac University

University of Kragujevac


University of Belgrade

 Supporting organizations

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of The Republic of Serbia

The Ministry of Education, Science
and Technological Development of
The Republic of Serbia


European Society of Biomechanics